Call 2-1-1
2-1-1 is a free health and human service information and referral helpline. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 is the fastest and most effective way to get connected with utility assistance, food, housing, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more.
Please visit https://www.211ct.org/ to search for resources throughout Connecticut.

Eviction Prevention
We offer eviction protection services through the Stable Families Program for Bridgeport residents living in subsidized housing. New Reach may be able to assist through the Stable Families Program.

Peer Support Services
Medicaid-eligible Peer Support Services are available through the Mental Health Waiver Program in partnership with Yale New Haven Hospital. Qualified individuals can take advantage of coaching and mentoring support services at no cost.
Connect to a Peer Support Specialist
To be connected to a Peer Support Specialist through the Mental Health Waiver program, please contact our Senior Clinical Program Manager at szammiello@newreach.org.